Blockchain for Business

- Writen By Dr Yannis Kalfoglou

This book sets out to explain blockchain for the non-technical expert, to decipher the dense technicalities that dominate the field, and present the opportunities for busy professionals using practical applications and case studies.

A practical guide for blockchain's technology frontier with business potential

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  • Structured and phased approach, presenting complex nuances in simple understandable terminology, bridging the gap between technical and functional aspects of blockchain […] Dr.Yannis has vast knowledge on the subject, is a reputed thought leader and brings his hands on experience into perspective […] Very structured and focussed on beginners and blockchain enthusiasts keen on learning

  • This book aims to be a more practical guide to how to implement blockchain. Providing enough of an understanding of the fundamentals of how blockchain works and providing practical applications to help give the reader inspiration for how it might be used to solve problems in their respective industries […] it can help drive innovation within industry. It is putting it’s self in a niche that hasn’t been filled to date but is really what blockchain needs now that the hype has died away and practical applications need to be built.